Monday, January 30, 2017
Hello World
Hey everyone :)
This week was a little rough not going to lie. Our investigator Kathleen who we were so excited about dropped us :/ and it was ugly she sent us some text messages that weren't the nicest and I'm pretty sure that someone fed her some anti-materiel or lines sadly. It's just so sad we teach them that they can ask God and get their answers but sometimes people like to go the easier route and just read what the find instead of going to the right source for there answers. Which is our Heavenly Father who loves us and will answer our prayers!! We spent yesterday fasting for our area and the people that we would find more of those who are prepared! we have faith that we will find them :) This week the church announced a new missionary daily schedule! So far its been great I really enjoy the flexibility in the morning and we definitely feel super productive throughout the day and finding times to study during the day. The best part is we can go to bed right when we get home! But my comp and I have been working out! So we go to sleep after a little workout session. We also had interviews with president this week! Love meeting with that guy, he's so awesome and always has words of encouragement and advice. Things are moving all really well. Sister Kelly and I are working hard and are excited for the miracles that will come. I have to go sorry for the really short email! Love you all!!!
All My Love,
Sister Cleveland
Monday, January 16, 2017
Life in Meridian
Hey everyone :)
This week was awesome! We came down from McCall, our transfers ended up happening on Wednesday so we traveled down and it was so slushy in Oregon which is where we meet to transfer. We got down safely and we headed over to Meridian where I met my new companion Sister Kelly! Meridian is great we are in a walking area which is actually really nice, we have really awesome members who give us rides when they see us walking. We had a really good first week, we taught a new investigator her name is Kathleen and she is so sweet and really desirous to know if the Book of Mormon is true. We have been working on cleaning things up and finding work for the area. The members here are awesome. One of our wards had 24 missionaries out right now.. its awesome. We got some referrals to contact people so we spent the week contacting and one of the youth in our wards has a friend who just got permission to take the lessons we are excited to start teaching him! We worked with our WML this week to create new mission plans and goals for the wards. It has been a really good week. I'm running out of time. But I love you all!! Have a great week :) And I went to Chic-Fil-A again because I'm near one now!! :)
Love you all,
Sister Cleveland
Monday, January 9, 2017
From McCall, to Meridian
Hellooo everyone :)
***sorry everyone that sent early..
This week we have transfers! Usually, we would transfer today but we had some crazy weather here in Idaho and we have been home bound for 3 days now. we broke out to email everyone. We are going to transfer on Wednesday instead and we didn't have church on Sunday, but we got to spend some time with our Bishop and his family we had a testimony meeting and got to spend some time with their family. This week we were able to spend quite a good amount of time in Cascade and one day we spent the day just driving well i was driving 246 miles we racked up that day it was crazy. There are so many people that I have met on my mission who have this "crisis of faith" they wonder is what I'm doing really bringing me happiness? Am I becoming who I'm meant to become? Why don't I have blessings that my friends or other people I know have? What am I doing wrong? We all will have time of crisis times when we feel like we are lacking, that our faith is not strong enough, or that the simple truths found in the gospel of Jesus Christ simply can't be the simple way to be happiness. BUT IT IS! Yes we face challenges we have obstacles trials and tribulations but don't let that be the reason you begin to doubt, or question!
Elder Marion D. Hanks of the First Quorum of the Seventy has written, “We shall not fully avoid tribulation and trial, separation and sorrow, distress and difficulty. But through faith and understanding and courage we may truly ‘prosper’ in the Spirit of the Lord. Instead of turning away from the gospel and the savior we must turn to it. We must pray like we never have before, seek earnestly for help and strength to face the challenges that come our way, seek answers to our questions from the right source! Truth comes from our loving heavenly father, and is confirmed through the power of the holy ghost whose role is to testify of truth. We must never lose faith that god doesn't hear or prayers or that he is not aware of our circumstances. We must do everything to come unto him, when we feel like we can't pray we must open our mouths and try.. and the next night try again. It is when we give up that we feel the distance between us and our heavenly father and it is not him who has moved. I'm sure there are some who think it's not that easy and It isn't but do not for once think that the plan of happiness was designed to be easy. If we truly believe in the promises the lord has extended to us, if we have faith which is the first principle of the gospel we need to let it be our foundation Our loving heavenly father gave us this life to have joy.. to be incandescently happy. That is our part of our potential. I know that we all have choices and challenges to make and face. But I truly know from the depths of my soul that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides light and hope and we can have a personal relationship with our father in heaven. Lastly, I know that as we come to know the Savior Jesus Christ that more than just what he did but who he is to YOU.. He truly is the Messiah, the Prince of Peace and He is the Master Healer.. when we come unto him we can be made whole.
Have a great week everyone! Keep the Faith :) HE LOVES YOU!
Love you all,
Sister Cleveland
Monday, January 2, 2017
"Darn Right I Would"
Hey everyone :)
Happy 2017 :)
What do you know about the Book of Mormon?
Have you read it? Is it a book sitting on your shelf right now, rarely opened?
This week in Relief Society a sister said something that struck me.. "If you don't have a testimony now sisters, you better start gaining one" Why is it so important to have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. My whole mission I have testified of the truthfulness of 531 pages. Which was translated by a Prophet Joseph Smith by the gift and power of god. But it isn't just enough for me to bear testimony or for others too. The most definitive and faith exercising witness anyone can receive about The Book of Mormon is from the witness from the holy ghost himself. Moroni a prophet in the closing of the Book of Mormon leaves this promise if : "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." That is the promise! Moroni knew what he had endure, he knew the heartache and pain his people had witness and watched civilization be destroyed. No matter all that he witnessed he kept the faith and he believed in Jesus Christ. He knew for himself that this book was true, he knew the prophets who came before them too carried in their hearts a knowledge that Jesus Christ in the Messiah who had been prophesied in both the New and Old World.
There is no way, no reason, no sense to testify of a book that lives as a testament of Jesus Christ if it wasn't true. I add my testimony to the millions who have testified of this book already. The Book of Mormon is true. God still speaks to man through his chosen prophet and he will provide the tools necessary for us to have happiness here on this earth and prepare for us to live with him eternally, perfected. I think about Frank Elder he has had the missionary discussions so many times his wife is a member and he told us how he has been desirous to know but never received and answer from god. We asked him if he'd read the book and he said he hadn't very much. To which we testified to truly know about the truthfulness of the book and receive an answer you have to read the book and be willing to act upon the answers you receive. So we asked would you act upon the answer you receive? He replied "Darn (he use another word closely related) right I would" He said he wanted to be with his wife in Heaven. You could see the sincerity in his eyes and the fire! That is what we need we have to be willing to know so deep in out heart that we would be ready to act on the answer that we receive. The answer that leads us to a life of committed discipleship with our savior Jesus Christ. If you haven't read the book of Mormon I would invite you with every fiber of my being to pick up the book, open it pray ask questions and receive answers to the questions of your soul. If you've read it and haven't picked it up in a while, PICK IT UP. It will bring you closer to the Savior Jesus Christ. The testimonies in the Book of Mormon are true. It will be a greater happiness I leave my promise.
Love you all :)
Sister Cleveland